Imagine discovering a very clear, shiny rock with six smooth sides and terminated with a sharp point. No human being could have made this. Natural quartz crystal has evoked many questions because of the unknowns about its origin and purpose. To explain the unknowns, human beings imagined all kinds of possibilities that evolved into beliefs. Because of the beauty, it was only natural to assign sacred or spiritual significance to crystal. American Indians, Tibetan monks, Druid priests and many other groups proclaimed the sacred power of crystal. Because they believed in the sacred power or spiritual significance of crystal, evidence was manifested to support their beliefs. These beliefs worked for them and the evidence was positive and good.
Today, many people use crystal to help focus their attention on something they want or to align with and access information from a higher level of consciousness. Many unique geometric configurations and characteristics of quartz crystal have been labeled with special names. Books have been written by practitioners that detail the use and expected results of these special crystals. Since the information is not always in agreement, the reader is left to decide what feels right or to dismiss the whole concept and merely appreciate the natural beauty of crystal.
Most all the beliefs about quartz crystal involve its energy properties. The most common or universal belief system involves the scientific use of both natural and synthetic crystals in optics, acoustics and electronic applications. If you watch TV or use a computer you have to believe in this application. With a little imagination you can explore the following beliefs about unique geometric configurations and characteristics of natural quartz crystals.

The first impression of quality or value of natural crystal is usually judged by the clarity. The clarity ranges from milky white to glass clear that sparkles like a cut diamond. Most crystal is milky white at the base and gradually clears to the tip. The milky white crystal is said to represent the yin or feminine qualities of love, communication, negotiation and receptivity. The clear crystal represents the yang or masculine qualities of power, force, strength and creativity. A crystal with both is believed to promote a balance of the masculine and feminine energy on both physical and mental levels. Large, water-clear crystal points with smooth sides are quite rare and consequently, more valuable. I guess a good man is hard to find. This double terminated crystal has both yin and yang.
Terminated Crystal

A crystal with a rectangular face leaning to the right. It is believed the can be used to access information from the future.

Extra-Terrestrial Crystal (ET)

These crystals have a twin points at a 90 degree angle. Very rare! This one is in a cluster with the tip or the horizontal point hidden behind the vertical point on the right.

The key crystal is recognized by a three or six-sided indentation somewhere on the crystal. It is believed the Key crystal can be used to unlock the doors to healing, help answer difficult questions, solve problems, and access information to that which is hidden.

No matter what we believe or want to believe, we cannot deny the inherent beauty of natural quartz crystal. Even more amazing is that, like crystal, every human being has the same natural beauty if they will let it shine or if we take the time to look for it. Just as our beliefs about crystal create what we experience with them, our judgment of other human beings has the power to either create separation or integration. Since we each have a free will and a choice in what we believe, we should focus our attention on what we want rather than on the things we don't want. If crystal will help us do this, then it becomes a valuable tool in life.
If you're attracted to crystal and appreciate the beauty, then know that what you see in a crystal is merely a reflection of who you really are. By daring to let the real you shine for others to enjoy and appreciate, you will add to the natural beauty of our planet.